
You don't feel you could love me, but I feel you could...

Monday, December 22, 2003

Wait for it....

So there he is, everyone, the little cannoli. 12 weeks along, 11.5cm long and healthy as a horse...a horse that's 12 weeks along and 11.5 cm long. Which is to say, pretty damned healthy. LK had the CVS (chorionic villus sample, for those of you playing along at home) on Wednesday last, and we just got the result on Friday. Mama-to-be is doing fine, and as she heads out of the first trimester some of the evening nausea and constant fatigue are beginning to dissipate. I remain attentive with chocolate at the ready.

So, yes, in the further continuation of this storybook relationship, we conceived the paisan in Italy, Vatican City, actually, on the honeymoon. Or so we can figure, given the wildly disparate accounts from everyone we 've talked to about how to estimate prenatal gestation based on...well, how well you remember the sex. This naturally requires an Italian name, or at the very least an Italian sounding name (more fun for me). I'll be taking recommendations. Here are the names we had on our list, up until we found out he is a he (well, okay, they were on MY list, and nowhere else. LK still thinks it's cute and not simply annoying, but that will change too, no doubt).

Auspicia (or Auspicio)
Porcinia (Porcini if a boy)
Isabella (this was a real choice, but no more).
Louis (family name)
Emperor Fabulous
Nicholas (real choice also)
Smeagal (and of course Gollum when he's being bad and/or schizoid). It wants the precious!

However, knowing the gender certainly does limit things. Given that it was Vatican City where the deed transpired, we feel fairly obligated to go with either Pius or Gregory. Or of course little Popey (and for the first few years we can just call him little Poopey, which should guarantee a long life filled with hazing and bloody noses on the schoolyard and wedgies and then years of therapy and patricidal tendencies and regret.)

So there it is. Most of you figured it out. (He isn't wearing shoes, Kat, as you can plainly see. Well, okay, you can't see anything plainly here, although the resolution is really quite phenomenal, I think). Apparently babies are all over the blogosphere these days (Dawn Olsen and Mimi come to mind, among others), so really I'm just trying to up my readership and stay trendy. Of course, posting once in a while might be nice too.

Let the festivus begin!

PS: For those of you who guessed "new house," you also guessed right, although it is by no means as certain as the cannoli is. Still shopping around, but we're getting ready to make an offer...stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Guess what?

Go on.
