
You don't feel you could love me, but I feel you could...

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Serenity NOW, motherfucker.

Remember the steaming piles I mentioned, oh, a month ago? Still a valuable part of my everyday existence. I hadn't even noticed Mimi was away for a long while, that's how often I troll around looking for fun anymore.

This whole corporate thing is starting to lose its appeal, and its appeal was remarkably thin to begin with. Of course, as if to remind me about the other fish in the sea, I have been getting almost bi-weekly calls from recruiters who want to seduce me away from here. They've done everything but suggest that they can give me oral treats using a faux French accent. I'm not sure how I got on this list of apparently aggravated workers from MyCompanyInc, but it's fine by me. Better than the herbal viagara spam. So we'll see. Too much change makes me vibrate in place uncontrollably. I'm nearly there. Everything in my life these days is new newer newest. Just trying to Get Used To Things. So changing jobs is not high on the list of priorities, although I would consider it. Just in case anyone out there is hiring. I'll hardly ever blog from work!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes...

On my way to said job about a week ago I saw a black 18-wheeler sporting this logo.

Go to their website if you don't believe they actually exist. Funny. I'd work with these guys, although they need to spiff up their mission statement a little. Doesn't actually refer to trucking at all...and promising that you won't break my stuff right up front like that doesn't fill me with confidence, though it's a noble goal to be sure. It's like those Simpsons sight gags involving signs outside of various establishments:

Outside the hotel: "Crawlspaces now 90% body free!"
Outside the trailer park: "14 days without a tornado!"

You get the idea.

On boobiegate

Much ado has been made about the superbowl boobie*, and all I can say is: Get. A. Grip. No double entendre intended there. Calm your puritan asses down already. The whole thing was as choreographed as any ballet, and what's shocking is how shocked everyone claims to be.

* Say that out loud. Kind of warmly alliterative, don't you think? Not unlike a boobie.

Important things

Beautiful new wife? check!
Bouncing boy to be? check! He's beer-can weight now (12 oz at 20 weeks) and 162 bpm and as many toes and fingers as one might require. He's beginning to flip out in there, breakdancing on the kidneys and whatnot, but it's all in good fun. (he said). As long as he doesn't invite anyone else in.
New house? che---oh, wait a minute. Mostly in the bag, but the sellers have fallen silent all of a sudden. I hope it doesn't mean anything. I'd hate to have to go back to the drawing board on this.

Boobiegate UPDATE
Found this at Rebecca's site. NOW I'm shocked...