
You don't feel you could love me, but I feel you could...

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Lemurs, meet Nicholas. Nicholas, these are my lemurs.

Born 7-11-04 at 7:48 pm, after 17+ hours of labor. 6 pounds, 13 oz, 20 inches long and otherwise perfect. Lizzie is doing fine but is a bit sore and tired. We are so thrilled we can't keep it in.

Jolly Young St. Nicholas

Words cannot express. I will try tomorrow and in the coming days.

Welcome to the world, my beautiful beautiful boy. I will try to stop noshing on your face as you sleep, but I promise nothing.

Okay, one more.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Rumors of the cannoli have been greatly exaggerated

Hmf. As of today the young lad is a full week overdue. The contractions and all associated excitement from last week began to taper off about Friday afternoon, and by Saturday he had quieted down to his normal state of inner-organ-punting type behavior. Poor Mama, she's in quite a state. We have tried many folk remedies (including all of those mentioned here a few episodes ago) as well as castor oil (anyone getting douche chills remembering that from their childhood?) all with an eye towards getting the GI tract moving and passing that suggestion along to the uterus and other plumbing departments. Lizzie had the membranes stripped two more times, but she is still only at 1+ cm dilated, and there has been little movement on that front either.

We have been tempting him with all sorts of wonderfulness here on the outside (TIVO! Reality Television! Computers that talk back! Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream!) all to no avail. He apparently has decided that he would rather stay put and enjoy the warm fluidy dark yumminess of the Mama. Well, duh. It just shows that he is paying attention. But we have plans to disrupt his quiet little existence. Come Monday, we will be taking a trip back to the hospital for another NST (non-stress test) to replicate the one from this Thursday past. (The recent test found that the fluid levels are fine, no need to top them off, and his heartbeat is good and powerful and increases when he exerts himself by, oh say punting one of Mama's organs). And then we begin the inducement things. We are hoping to avoid full inducement (with patosin) because that means the natural options (in the jacuzzi, no epidural) are out of the question. Which would kind of suck. (he said) At this point, Lizzie is so uncomfortable that she is ready for anything.

To make her feel better, we have been going on shopping trips to Ikea and Target. We bought trashcans and baby monitors and some bookshelves last night to take our minds off the lack of babies here. At this rate we will have built an entire new wing on the place if he doesn't show up soon.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Here we go...

Midwife appointment this afterlunch. She "stripped the membrane" which sometimes induces labor.

Earlier, contractions began. 10 minutes apart. We've packed our bags and are just going to play it cool boys, real cool. Going to watch some Sports Night and take a nice relaxing sleep.

Sure we are...